History Of CrystalRoleplay

Written by
| YorkPlayz |
About  Crystal Roleplay:
We have a customized DarkRP server. 
The server includes vehicles, addons and scripts. 
We care about our players and we want them to have a good time in a great and realistic server. Crystal Roleplay Gamemode: 
Crystal is the latest version of DarkRP.
The [CR] server based. As many other servers, they focus on money making, and making 40% of everything payment based. 
Don't get me wrong, we have a donation system and some benefits. 
But we don't take it out on the main players and take their benefits and make them "donator" we create new benefits for them. 

 Crystal Roleplay Owner:
 CrystalRoleplay is Run By Milky . YorkPlayz

Crystal Addons
- Inventory system
- All MK9 weapons!
- Amazing Gang System & NPC.
- All the tools you will need! 
- More than 50 TDM cars, Latest VCMod, Vcmod ELS, & fuel. 
- Advanced Meth Cooking System.
- More than 50 custom jobs and a unique role-play that you wont see anywhere else! 

And many other great addons to make the server special! 

Not all information about the server is on the group!
There's so much more you have not seen until you have joined!